American Contract Bridge League

Of Santa Cruz Unit 550, Inc.

 Minutes of Board Meeting November 12, 2008


Call to Order: President Hal Rodgers, November 12, 2008, called the meeting to order at 3:45 pm at the Santa Cruz Bridge Center.


Present:  Jeanne Boss, John Hadley, Carol Maggipinto, Hal Rodgers, Don Seldeen, Bonnie Simon Absent:  Charlie Pender

Also attending: Sherry Gilbreath, Nancy Wainer and Wayne Boss


Approval of Minutes – Bonnie Simon moved to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2008 board meeting. Seconded by John Hadley.  Approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report – It was moved by John Hadley and seconded by Carol Maggipinto to accept the Treasurer’s report for October 2008. Accepted unanimously.


Old Business

Expense Sharing Agreement – The proposed revised Expense Sharing Agreement submitted by Nancy Wainer on behalf of the club owners was reviewed.  Several minor revisions were proposed and discussed.  It was agreed that with the addition of some minor changes and the inclusion of the amount of coverage of the liability and property insurance policy, the proposed expense sharing agreement was acceptable to the Board.  Nancy Wainer will make these changes.  It was moved by John Hadley and seconded by Carol Maggipinto that President Hal Rodgers be authorized to sign the Expense Sharing Agreement with the changes on behalf of the Santa Cruz Bridge Center Board of Directors.  Approved unanimously.

SCBC Election - The Board President and Recording Secretary will count the ballots following the close of election (Friday December 5, 2008, 4:00 pm).  Hal Rodgers will advise the candidates of the results.  New board members will be invited to attend a joint meeting of the current and new board on Wednesday, December 10, 3:30 pm. The new board members will be announced at the Unit Game, Saturday, December 13th.

District 21 Goodwill Award -  The board concurred with the nomination of an SCBC member for the District 21 Goodwill Award.  The Recording Secretary will submit the nomination to District 21 for consideration.

December Unit Game  - December 13, 2008 is the date for the annual SCBC Meeting/ Holiday game.  There will be two sessions  (10:00 am and 2:00pm), 14 tables at each session, and a brief annual meeting and with a potluck lunch between sessions. Players can sign up for one session and sign up on a waiting list for a second session if space is available.  Lunch will be potluck, with turkey and ham provided by board members.

Unused Sanctions – It was moved by Don Seldeen and seconded by John Hadley that the Unit give all of the unused Unit sanctions for this calendar year to the Club Owners to be used by December 31st.


Old Business

Extra Unit Game – Bill McIntosh offered his Saturday, November 22, 2008 game to the Unit to use as a Swiss Team game fundraiser for the Unit.  In order to promote the game and encourage SCBC members to participate, Hal Rodgers agreed to ask webmaster Ken Llacera to place an announcement on the website and/or to send out an email to all SCBC members announcing the special game.  John Hadley agreed to call people who have participated in Swiss Teams in the past. Club owners were asked to promote the game at their games.  Board members will provide refreshments/snacks for the game.


Committee Reports

299’r Coordinator – Nancy Wainer  - no report.

By-Laws – Don Seldeen, no report

Club Owners Liaison – Bonnie Simon   Bonnie will not be on the board next year, but she suggested that this board position, which is the communication link with the club owners, be more than simply a messenger between the two groups and that the board members and club owners work together for the good of the membership. Nancy Wainer noted that the proposed Expense Sharing Agreement includes a provision that the board members and club owners meet on a quarterly basis to develop the calendar so that would be an appropriate time to work on special projects and promotions.  This was agreeable with the board members and with the club owners who were present at the meeting.

Education Liaison – Nancy Wainer – no report

Facilities – Charlie Pender – absent, no report

Finance – Ken Llacera – absent, no report

Hospitality –

Membership – Carol Maggipinto, no report

Publicity – Bonnie Simon, no report

Sanctions – Hal Rogers, see above under new business

Special Projects – John Hadley, no report

Webmaster – Ken Llacera – absent, no report


The meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 3:30 pm at SCBC


Respectfully submitted,



Jeanne Boss

Recording Secretary